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We’re here to help YOU sign up new Partners

Time to grow!

Drive your business! Grow your team! Take it to the top!

With this unique new Partner promotion, we’re offering you support not only in acquiring new Partners, but are also ensuring that your new Partners generate and boost your customer sales. At the same time, we’re driving your participation in the Master RUN!

The new Partner promotion starts at 12:00 noon on Wednesday,  17.05.2023

What does this new Partner promotion mean for you?

#1 It’ll be even easier for you to sign up new Partners

Thanks to this unique new Partner promotion, it will be easier for you to talk to interested individuals about the RINGANA business opportunity – because right from the start, they’ll enjoy attractive benefits.

NOW is the best time for interested individuals to get started as RINGANA Partners:

#2 We’ll boost your new Partners’ customer sales

50 € Voucher for new Partners


If someone wants to be successful as a RINGANA Partner, they should know and love the RINGANA products, right? That’s why, when they register with the Business Booster Starter Set, we’re giving all new Partners a €50 voucher that can be redeemed when they buy products. That way they’ll instantly be able to wow customers with their product knowledge, and their first customer sale is guaranteed!*


FRESH date bag for free


In addition to product knowledge and the RINGANA products, a professional look is also a must for a successful FRESH date. When a new Partner buys one of the Online Founder Bonus Sets, they’ll also receive a free FRESH date bag with contents worth € 199.**


#3 We’re driving your chance to make it to the Master RUN

That means you all – you and your Partners – have the one-off opportunity to qualify for the Master RUN! Because for the Wildcard Competition, all paid customer sales generated by your directly-recruited new Partners for the given month will be taken into account.


NOW is the best time to become a RINGANA Partner! Start telling interested individuals about these advantages now, and share this info with them quickly, so that they can benefit from this unique promotion.

IMPORTANT: because of the switch to the promotion for new Partners, we expect that Partner registration will not be possible on 17.05.23 from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. So sorry. But after that, it’s foot to the floor so that you and your new Partners can secure all the benefits asap!

* This offer is valid once only for individuals who sign up as RINGANA Partners from 17.05.2023 after the switchover of the Partner application. Offer valid until further notice and while stocks last. Returning Partners may also avail of this offer. Offer only valid for registrations using the Business Booster Starter Set. The voucher will be sent in digital format by e-mail once the Partner application has been finalised. NO commission payable. Minimum order value of €80. Valid until 30.06.2023.
** The various Founder Bonus Sets fresh & beautiful contain different FRESH creams, FRESH tonics and FRESH serums. The Founder Bonus fresh & beautiful light contains FRESH cream light, FRESH tonic pure and FRESH hydro serum. The Founder Bonus fresh & beautiful medium contains FRESH cream medium, FRESH tonic pure and FRESH hydro serum. The Founder Bonus fresh & beautiful rich contains FRESH cream rich, FRESH tonic calm and FRESH anti wrinkle serum. 
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