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#sonew: Online Office – Update

With the introduction of the new Growth Bonus 2.0 we are now providing you with some new functions in your Online Office.


1.Team query > New Partner Volume (NPV)

We have added the following new sections to the evaluation of your NPV:


This is where you’ll find a summary of all the relevant values. A hover text shows the explanation of the terms.

  • NPV: represents the customer turnover (CT) of your new, direct Partners in the last three statement months. New Partners are included as soon as they have received statements.
  • The NPV (3G) is the sum of your own NPV plus the NPV of your Team Partners. The first three generations are then used for the calculation. The NPVs of your strongest teams are deducted, and the values of NPV-2 (3G) & NPV-3 (3G) calculated.
  • The NPV-2 (3G) is the sum of your own NPV plus the NPV of your Team Partners, minus your two strongest teams. The first three generations are then used for the calculation.
  • The NPV-3 (3G) is the sum of your own NPV plus the NPV of your Team Partners, minus your three strongest teams. The first three generations are then used for the calculation.


My direct Partners with the highest NPVs

This is a ranking of my direct Partners with the highest NPV (3G).

For example: my strongest Partner has an NPV of 2,000, plus 4,000 and 6,000 for their next two generations (from my viewpoint, these are my first three generations). This gives rise to a total NPV of 12,000. It is this total, i.e. the NPV of 12,000, that is shown in the evaluation.



2.Target Barometer

The values of NPV -2 (3G), NPV -3 (3G) and the total NPV (3G) can now be seen in the Barometer.

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